The Making of the Imperial Presidency, the National Security State, and the...
This series of posts actually began with Preparing for Domestic War in the U.S.?. The focus here is on the ways that the “global war on terror” has been used as a front for a domestic war against...
View ArticleThe Making of the Imperial Presidency, the National Security State, and the...
“America did not change on September 11. It only became more itself.” — Robert Kagan, neoconservative. In Part 1 of this series we looked at the ways in which the thinking and the tools used in...
View ArticleThe Making of the Imperial Presidency, the National Security State, and the...
In the Name of Patriotism (Who are the Patriots?) Hon. Ron Paul Texas before the U.S. House of Representatives May 22 , 2007 In this third and possibly final part of this series (see Part 1 and Part...
View ArticleThe Imperial Presidency & the National Security State on 1D4TW
It’s been a busy week on 1D4TW, with posts on AFRICOM, the invention of “the ugly AmeriKKKan,” cultural self-criticism, and the politics of race in the U.S. electoral campaign (Palin’s paean to the...
View ArticleHugh Gusterson: “Empire of Bases”
How the U.S. colonizes the world through the installation of military bases: From the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: Empire...
View ArticleConservative Anti-Imperialism
Following recent discussions on this blog, about “the left” on Iran, I decided to compile some “notes and quotes” on American conservative anti-imperialism (I am not sure if we have such a clearly...
View ArticleComing soon on Al
Starting next month, I will be joining Al Jazeera as the author of a series of monthly columns, beginning with articles on issues raised here, dealing with soft power, social media, digital activism,...
View ArticleAnthropology, Philanthropy, and Empire
Image via Wikipedia Published yesterday in Dissident Voice, Michael Barker‘s article “Foundations and Anthropology in the United States,” could be very useful reading for students, those who may not...
View ArticleIf I Had a Trillion Dollars: Involving Youth in Discussions about the Costs...
The American Friends Service Committee is circulating an action alert, “If I Had a Trillion Dollars Youth Video Contest,” for an innovative and democratic project aimed at fostering youth engagement in...
View ArticleEncircling Empire: Report #2, 11-18 September 2010
EE: Report #2, 11—18 September 2010 Encircling Empire Reports is a selection of essays, blog posts, and news reports covering a given time period, which can usually be glimpsed in raw form at...
View ArticleThe Nation Builders
Dahlia Wasfi (Physician and Iraqi antiwar activist who has traveled to Iraq twice since the invasion and spoken out around the U.S. about what she has seen): We have an obligation to every last victim...
View ArticleJust Released: The New Imperialism, Vol. 1: Militarism, Humanism, and Occupation
The New Imperialism is the title of an annual seminar which I offer at Concordia University to advanced undergraduates. It is an unusual course, and given the content of past student evaluations, one...
View ArticleThe Wikileaks Revolution
[This is the first in a series of three articles that will be devoted to the subject of Wikileaks, secrecy, the state, and transformation. This is intended as a survey of some of the opinions I have...
View ArticleEmpire and the Liberation of Veiled Women: Lutz & Collins
In “The Color of Sex: Postwar Photographic Histories of Race and Gender,” by Catherine A. Lutz and Jane L. Collins (reprinted in The Anthropology of Media: A Reader, 2002, pps. 92-116), we encounter...
View ArticleAmerika, Hu Akbar! A people of Mammon, or Love in a Land of Fear
Provocaine: “Love and Duty and Charity and Patriotism; That’s what makes America Great.” Barack Obama’s speech, second term election victory, 2012 You see! It all seems to need to be merged into One...
View ArticleTo Understand Donald Trump is to Not Explain Donald Trump
There is something very strange about this US presidential election. There is an air of stress, with bursts of odd comic relief, sliding uncontrollably from the grimly serious to the hysterically...
View ArticleReview of a Film by Michael Moore: “Where to Invade Next” (2016)
Having seen almost all of Michael Moore’s films to date, I have no difficulty in applauding “Where to Invade Next” as his best film yet. I may have many disagreements with Moore, on his allegiance to...
View ArticleDonald Trump and Empire: An Assessment
“There is something unseemly about a nation conducting a foreign policy that involves it in the affairs of most of the nations of the world while its own domestic needs are neglected or postponed,...
View ArticleAmerican Exceptionalism, American Innocence
Review of American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News—from the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror. By Roberto Sirvent and Danny Haiphong. Foreword by Ajamu...
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